Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 8 Morning from Al

Right now (0830) Alex and Nick are driving in a downpour with 33 knots with the S4 and a PORT pole (yes our first jibe) pointed at the finish line doing 9-12 knots boatspeed with Led Zeppelin cranked on the stereo and Emily cooking oatmeal for breakfast.  Life is good once again! Crew morale took a little sag when we decided to go to the poled out jib late last night.  I believe it was the right thing to do even though Lightspeed passed us back again.  We are just going to have to chase them down again.  I think Kotuku and crew is up to the task.   Thanks for all the comments, Al

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should fast forward through "Fool in the Rain," even if it's one of the best??? Or else, it's the perfect soundtrack song for the film version of the moment you describe here. Keep it up, gang. You'll catch those guys. Can't wait to see you safely in Hawaii. Love to Nick, and hugs all around.
