Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 11 Evening from Al - last night!

Going to bed in Hawaii now that I've received Al's last evening post. We will see them tomorrow! Here's Al: After a another picture postcard day with sunny skies and 10-20 ENE trades again, it looks like a squally stormy final night.  Already had two spinnaker changes and the sun hasn't set.  Alex fixed his variation on the Tuna surprise with lentils and sun-dried tomatoes.  I know I can't wait for a nice fresh salad, and okay maybe a pizza.  We are trying to push pretty hard for our last night.  We are going to three hour watches to keep everyone on their toes.  Hoping for a good night but will know come morning, Al


  1. A little bit more.... Love to Nick. Wish I was there to greet and meet all of you. Love, Gram

  2. Congratulations Team Kotuku...great ride and very
    much enjoyed the tracking from home.

    All the best,

    Steve and Shelley
