Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 11 morning from Al

Good morning, Down to one day and change.  As I commented on watch, this was the most pleasant night of sailing in now almost four transpac crossings.  Winds 8-18 knots, no squalls, stars galore, 3/4 moon for most of the night, then enough light from Venus to see the spinnaker clearly, Air temp 72 degrees (better than daytime for me), near perfection.  Jupiter? maybe above Venus in the east this morning.  Sunrise not till well after 8 because of the drop in latitude and no change of ship time since SF.  We are hoping the roll call positions will be to our liking but I am sure Elan is hoping for the same thing. We shall hear soon at our 1000 check in.  Only on board crisis are we most assuredly will run out of Via (starbucks instant coffee) this morning and the toilet seat is now duct taped to the toilet bowl.  No details needed.  Janna and family are in the air so this may get posted late. Hope there were no worries and thanks to J for all the work she has put in keeping you and us up to date.  Aloha, Al


  1. COME ON KOTUKU...You are almost there!!!! YEAH

  2. Well done boys! I'm sure you'll close it out. It's been fun tracking from a far. Wanna hear all the details when you get back.
