Sunday, August 12, 2012

Posts from the Crew

John speaking:  got news from friend Peter that Marvin Hamlisch died...long story short, worked with him alot over the last 6-7 years so this is extremely sad news...never could have imagined I'd read this literally as our odometer out here turned to 700nm north of Oahu: middle of nowhere. Thanks Peter for telling me!  Every day out here infinitely fascinating, not enough wind for 2 days now, but keeping busy, on book #2...oh, and Captain Al delegated to me the task of observing and recording any debris we find out here for a Pacific Marine Survey's a very scientifc study I gather, observing from a particular side of the boat at specific times 2x a day, 30 minutes each...often skunked, then off-duty some big chunk would show following the rules best I can.  Everyday is an education out here, could not be with a finer crew...and Captain Al...extremely impressed with navigational strategy like trying to get north to catch edge of low-pressure system that could whisk us home in a hurry.  Weather fax shows gale off Washington coast now...but we won't get there for some time yet...always a method out here and could not be with a finer Captain.  Well, life's simple but "busy" here...just remember everyone, no matter the time of day or what you're up to, or asleep or anything...Kotuku is moving along 24/7 and, so far so good for sure, in fact, fantastic.

Steve speaks, finally:  Spectacular sea views...pastel blue sky morphs into translucent shades of deep blue sea that mophes into golden sunsets that illuminates the eastern skyline from the north edge of the horizon to the south edge like being inside a bowl with all the colors of the rainbow swirling around the white puffy clouds.  Venus appears, mars, jupiter and finally a millions of spectacular stars illuminating the black sky from infinity.  The space station screamed past us a couple of nights ago and th not so infrequent meteor streaks across the sky. The view is nothing short of simply amazing.

The color and movement of the sea changes constantly creating one spectacular scene and then another and another.  I wish we had time to stop and collect component parts for the buoy people project, as mile after mile in what looks like an endless sea in all directions is littered with colorful plastic junk.  It's everywhere!

I've managed to take a few photos. Hopefully a few will come out...I would be pleased with a single spectacular photo!  Will see.  Great crew, fabulous food...if only we had loaded up a few cases of chilled pino gregio and some decent Waterford stemware for our evening sunset reflection hour.  Ciao to everyone.  Odom

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